Keeping it Real
30 September 2022|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability
September’s been a toughie, for us, and for many we love.

There’s no shame in ‘pulling up the draw-bridge’ and closing the doors for a while. We’re going to take this advice, sent from a dear lady who’s going through a really tough time too. That’s friendship – they’re precious souls – hold them close – and do practice self-care – it is far from selfish.
Looks like a plan…

Autumn seems to have arrived in SW France. Voila – Vegan Cauliflower ‘Cheese’. Delicious. All gone after 3rds were consumed! The Pesky Vegan strikes once more.
Diabetes is becoming a reality for more and more people. Here’s a link to a FREE 90 minute diabetes masterclass with Brenda Davis, a registered dietician, whose work features on our site.
- Are carbs really the villain?
- How do you fix the real root cause?
- How to burn fat while you sleep?
- Does protein increase your diabetes risk?
- Exercise – does it matter?
- What does blood sugar and insulin resistance really mean?
- Can I just ignore it?

‘Statins are the most common drug class of prescriptions in America. More than 40 million adults take them.’ The Cleveland Clinic.
Dr Malhotra‘s book ‘examines the claims for statins and their role in lowering cholesterol and preventing heart disease. He introduces his targeted heart-health plan, which, with a diet plan, recipes and advice on reducing stress and increasing movement, can help us to live statin-free and take control of our own health.’ And it’s currently 99p/99cents on Amazon Kindle UK/Fr/com

It’s back. The Morphy Richards machine that I didn’t think I wanted/needed and now wish I was on commission for as I’ve recommended it to so many friends!
Yesterday it made a delicious, healthy, warming Creamy pumpkin and sweet potato soup. Another wow from The Pesky Vegan.
More left for tomorrow – he says it’ll keep for up to 6 months (!) in the fridge, although with up to 27c forecast next week the freezer may be a better idea.
The foreword to our friend Shirley Ledlie’s new book A Hair’s Whisper – From Cancer to the Courtroom. It’s all about her fight for the truth and what she’s achieved in doing so. Shirley had breast cancer and received chemotherapy treatments that she was never warned could result in permanent hair loss. With a co-lead trial counsel like this… well, anything’s possible Shirley! Justice is the prize.

Our genes get such a bad rap: Yet another article appeared this week connecting lifestyle choices with cancer diagnoses. (Thanks Helen for forwarding).
And then this article is published, sharing how both main political parties in the UK are preparing to scrap a ban on buy one, get one free deals on junk food. Prime Minister Truss is preparing to ditch rules banning promotional deals for unhealthy products too, which have already delayed for a year, alongside scrapping a proposed 9pm watershed for advertising such foods.
The Times also reports that ‘a review ordered by the Treasury is also likely to end in reversing the present levy on sugary drinks, which has led to big companies changing recipes to dodge the tax.’
One step forward… Several back.

Jue saw this poster in the Crowthorne UK branch of Costa Coffee this week: More words that do not belong in the same sentence together – A cancer support charity and sweet treats.
Whilst sugar may not cause cancer, there is much research pointing to it increasing your risk and if you are diagnosed, reducing your sugar intake is very important.

Corinna’s site joined ours this week after she commented on one of our social media posts. You can find her work in the Sustainability section of our site; her site and her weekly podcast, which has featured several well known to us, including Mo Gawdat and Dr William Li.
Watch out – this is what can happen after staying at our home for a few days…. Another juice convert. Go Darrell and Dawn – carrot juice is on the menu, along with many others from Deliciously Ella‘s smoothies and juices book that snuck into your suitcase for the return flight.

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