The link between these three is strong, they’re intertwined.
Physical activity and mental aptitude makes a huge difference to our bodies and minds.
Lots of healing stories in the books below people sharing how different healing strategies worked for them. Research papers to back up claims too.
Dr Rachel Allen

A practical handbook through which you can learn how to be a better listener, how to support your loved one to initiate change, and how to care for your own mental wellbeing in the process.
Dr Frank Lipman

The latest developments in sleep science and the factors that affect your sleep: when and how you eat and exercise, how you handle stress, how you nap, and how you engage with technology. Creates a personalised sleep protocol. Sleep articles here.
Dr Michael Mosley

What happens when we sleep, what triggers common sleep problems and why standard advice rarely works. A radical 4 week plan, based on the latest science, designed to help you re-establish a healthy sleep pattern in record time.
Dr Rangan Chatterjee

‘A series of practical solutions and simple interventions to help you de-stress and re-set your life. Many people don’t realise that by implementing small changes to their routine they can reduce or completely eradicate stress.’
Dr Elissa Epel

World renowned psychologist and NYT bestselling author gives us a simple yet powerful plan to turn our stress into our strength in just 7 days.
Patrick Holford

‘Practical tools for resolving stressful situations and patterns and developing stress resilience. A nutritional plan for good and consistent energy. The secret for sleeping well and waking refreshed. Ways up from down when you are feeling depressed.’