
Through these films I learned how I can live healthier, for longer.  You can too..

Where to Begin?

Food Inc

I bought this video back when the world was ‘doing’ videos.  It shocked me and I thought I’d made some great changes as a result.

Forks Over Knives

This was then borrowed from a friend…

The Game Changers

This one takes it up to a whole other level.

What’s New?

You Are What You Eat

Identical twins change their diets and lifestyles for 8 wks, one has an omnivore diet, the other a vegan diet. Fascinating.


Diet Fiction

Diet Fiction follows filmmaker Michal Siewierski on his journey into the world of weight loss and dieting, as he uncovers shocking facts and confronts common misconceptions and misleading information propagated by the industry over the last several decades.  He shows the devastating effects that obesity has and exposes the viewer to new disruptive ideas and science based evidence that could potentially lead to sustainable weight loss and improved health.

Food Choices

Join award-winning filmmaker Michal Siewierski on his 3 year journey to expose the truth about our food choices. The documentary explores the impact that food choices have on people’s health, the planet’s health and on the lives of other living species.  It also discusses several misconceptions about food and diet, offering a unique new perspective. Featuring interviews with 28 experts, this film will certainly change the way you look at the food on your plate.

Food Inc

Food, Inc., lifts the veil on America’s food industry which is controlled by a few corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Featuring interviews with numerous  experts it reveals surprising—and often shocking truths—about what they eat and how it’s produced.

Food Matters

A hard-hitting look at our current state of health. Despite billions of dollars of funding and research into new, so-called cures, we continue to suffer from a raft of chronic ills and everyday maladies. Patching up an over-toxic and over-indulgent population with a host of toxic therapies and nutrient-sparse foods is definitely not helping the situation.  

Forks Over Knives

Examines the claim that most, if not all, of the chronic diseases that afflict us can be controlled or even reversed by rejecting animal-based and processed foods. The idea of food as medicine is put to the test. The film follows Americans with chronic conditions as they seek to reduce their dependence on medications and learn to use a whole-food, plant-based diet to regain control over their health and their lives.    

Game Changers

The story of James Wilks — an elite Special Forces trainer and The Ultimate Fighter winner — as he travels the world to uncover the optimal diet for human performance. Showcasing elite athletes, special ops soldiers, visionary scientists, cultural icons, and everyday heroes, what James discovers changes forever his understanding of food and his definition of true strength.   

Hungry For Change

Shocking secrets the diet, weight loss, and food industry don’t want you to know; deceptive strategies designed to keep you coming back for more. Find out what’s keeping you from having the body and health you deserve, and how to escape the diet trap forever. Featuring interviews with health authors and medical experts and transformational stories from those who know what it’s like to be sick and overweight. 

Plant Pure Nation

The story of 3 people on a quest to spread the message of plant-based nutrition.  A whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet has been shown by research to be the optimal diet for health, and not just for preventing disease, but also for reversing chronic conditions like obesity, heart disease and T2 diabetes.  They launch a plan to expose the forces that stand in the way of a wider recognition of the healing powers of a plant-based diet.  


Unwrapping the stomach-churning flaws in America’s food industry. In this documentary film, filmmaker Stephanie Soechtig (The Devil We Know) examines the food industry in the US and investigates how its systemic fractures lead to outbreaks of food-borne pathogens with their deadly consequences.  

Super Juice Me!

What happens when you put 8 people with 22 different health conditions on nothing but freshly extracted juice for 28 days?


3 meat and cheese-loving New Yorkers agree to adopt a vegan diet for 6 weeks. Lured with true tales of weight lost and health regained, they begin to uncover hidden sides of animal agriculture and soon start to wonder whether solutions offered in films like Food, Inc. go far enough. Before long, they find themselves risking everything to expose an industry they supported just weeks before.

What The Health

Kip Andersen uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases – and investigates why the nation’s leading health organisations don’t want us to know about it.  With heart disease and cancer the leading causes of death in America, and diabetes at an all-time high, the film reveals possibly the largest health cover-up of our time. With the help of medical doctors, researchers, and consumer advocates the film exposes the collusion and corruption that is costing us trillions of dollars, and keeping us sick.  

You Are What You Eat

‘Identical twins change their diets and lifestyles for 8 wks in a unique scientific experiment designed to explore how certain foods impact the body.’