
Breast cancer rocked my world in 2017.  Healing from it made me want to share what I’d learned.  In the UK the 1939 Cancer Act forbids any ‘cures’ being promoted other than chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, same with the Standard of Care in the US, but… there are certainly many other steps you can take to help make your body inhospitable to those rapidly reproducing cells.  

Where to Begin?


Chris Wark has been there, done that and got the t-shirt. His Square One program helped me through my own diagnosis.

Eat to Beat

Dr William Li is passionate about sharing the proven link between cancer and diet.

Dr Nasha Winters

Dr Nasha had stage 4 ovarian cancer at 19 years old. A powerful healing story followed, from which she now helps others.

Yes to Life

The UK’s only integrative cancer charity. They’re passionate about helping people by giving them all healing options.

Jane McLelland

Jane has also ‘been there’ and shares her knowledge of blocking cancer pathways with us all.


Advanced Breast Cancer

Empowering people living with this chronic health condition and caregivers to take control by providing a platform to learn, educate, and connect with peers and healthcare professionals.

Advanced Ovarian Cancer

Empowering people living with this chronic health condition and caregivers to take control by providing a platform to learn, educate, and connect with peers and healthcare professionals.

Annie Appleseed Project

Non-profit corporation, providing information, education, advocacy, and awareness for people with cancer and their family and friends interested in complementary or alternative medicine (CAM) and natural therapies from a patient’s perspective.

Anti Cancer Mom

‘Whether you are preventing, taking a natural approach to healing cancer or are integrating conventional treatment, our diet and lifestyle choices matter and you have options.’

Dr Josh Axe

Articles discussing the different types of cancer and their causes, risks, symptoms, plus conventional, natural and new treatments.

Believe Big

A non-profit Christian organisation founded by Ivelisse and Jimmy Page after her battle with Stage IV colon cancer. They provide patients with hope, help, and healing.

Bladder Cancer

Provides patients and caregivers with a platform to learn, educate, and connect with peers and healthcare professionals.

Blood Cancer

Provides patients and caregivers with a platform to learn, educate, and connect with peers and healthcare professionals.

Block Center

Sets the standard for true integration of multiple science-based strategies that, together, can help you beat the odds and put life over cancer.

Breast Cancer Action

Focus on addressing the root causes of the disease, ensuring that fewer women develop breast cancer and no community bears a disproportionate burden of diagnosis or death.

Breast Cancer Conqueror

‘Dr V’ has had two breast cancer experiences.  Her book ‘Heal Breast Cancer Naturally’ was a part of my healing.

Breast Cancer UK

Raising awareness of how lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of getting breast cancer. 


Chris used to work alongside a mutual friend.  She gave me a copy of a couple of his books and this Oxford Uni biochemist became a leading light to follow on my healing journey.  He knows his stuff!

Cancer Acts

Where it all began for me.  I was handed their book by a friend at church which I read cover to cover that afternoon. After losing so many they loved to both cancer and cancer treatments they found another way…

Cancer Doctor

Massive resource: articles, podcasts, patient stories and videos from accredited integrative doctors.

Cancer Choices

An independent voice, dedicated solely to providing unbiased information to support people with cancer to live as well as possible for as long as possible. Excellent resource.

Cell Suppression Theory

Cancer Net

Professor Thomas is a practicing consultant, cancer specialist, with 30 year’s experience in patient care.  A consultant oncologist at Addenbrooke’s and Bedford Hospitals, a visiting Professor at Cranfield Uni and a clinical teacher at Cambridge Uni. Excellent resource.

Cancer Schmancer

Fran Drescher’s mission is to save lives by transforming the current sick care system into one that focuses on health care;  Prevention, Early Detection and Policy Change.  ‘I got famous, then I got cancer, and now I live to talk about it.’

Cancer Tutor

‘Our goal is to remove confusion and fear for the cancer patient, to empower you to take control with access to the latest research.’ 

Cancer Whispering

‘Giving power back to patients’ Sophie Sabbage aka The Cancer Whisperer; was a high-profile patient activist. An inspiration to me and many others. The site explains how she changed the ‘battle’ narrative about cancer.

Kris Carr

‘I believe in a balanced approach to healing, and I want to see a world where doctors and patients embrace intelligent medicine as well as healthy lifestyle practices.’

Chris Beat Cancer

Chris’s 10 pt cancer coaching program was free-to-air whilst I was recovering from radiotherapy, his book was a ‘go to’ for me whilst in treatment. Such an encouragement from one who has healed and thrived.

Coll Med

Health Matters video and blog from Dr Dana Flavin.

Doctor Yourself

Page after page of research-based articles on Dr Andrew Saul’s site.

Eat To Beat

A global campaign to crush the cancer epidemic by getting people to eat foods that starve cancer. A resource hub and a recruitment platform for the community to inspire, influence, and monitor dietary behaviour change.

Everyday Health

Cancer risks, signs, symptoms, tests and treatments.

Lung Cancer

Breast Cancer

Colon Cancer

Breast Cancer

Fond for Metabolic Therapies

Foundation founded by Travis Christoffersen, author of Tripping over the Truth.  A huge amount of science – explained for you and I…

Future Dreams

‘Nobody should ever have to face breast cancer on their own’.  Founded by mother and daughter, Sylvie Henry and Danielle Leslie in 2008. Both diagnosed with breast cancer, both lost their lives to secondary breast cancer in 2009.  Their legacy lives on in the thousands of women the charity supports every year.

Faith & Gratitude

A non-profit educating and empowering cancer patients to face diagnosis, treatment and life after cancer with courage and resilience. Their outreach programs are all free.

Green Med Info

Thousands of articles, research abstracts and substances related to cancer.  An immense resource for many types of cancers.  Option to search for specific cancer information at the top of the page.

Healing Strong

Their mission is to connect, support, and educate individuals facing cancer and other diseases with holistic, evidence-based, non-toxic therapies through empowering community groups.


Extensive information on types/causes/treatments for cancer. Use the search engine to target specific cancers.

Breast cancer

Heart MD Institute

Emphasis on prevention and research within these many research-based articles.

Hello Beautiful Foundation

A London-based cancer prevention charity whose free exhibits, talks, classes and other awareness campaigns are designed to highlight the benefits of living a healthy non-toxic lifestyle —from mindfulness to nutrition and social responsibility.

Hope 4 Cancer

A world leader in holistic & integrative oncology with 2 cancer centres on the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Mexico.  All of their doctors are M.D.s.

How To Starve Cancer

Jane put together a unique cocktail of ‘off label’ drugs that have helped many.  She has had ‘terminal’ cancer, twice…

I Thrive Plan

Stacks of articles and a weekly podcast too.


‘Resources explaining the fundamentals of cancer, alongside explanations on why certain individuals are more likely to develop it.  Evidence-based lifestyle advice to help reduce the risk, improve well-being after treatments, reduce the risk of relapse and improve long-term survival.’

Listen and Care

Fantastic resource, full of complementary therapies, along with a video library.

Live Love Fruit

Page after page of research-based, lifestyle articles.  

Prof Valter Longo

‘The Longevity Diet can be generally applied for cancer prevention’. More on the site, backed with research papers.

Lung Cancer

Providing patients and caregivers with a platform to learn, educate, and connect with peers and healthcare professionals.

Mission Remission

A hub built for cancer survivors – sharing hundreds of inspirational stories and practical strategies to move forward after cancer.

Moss Report

Dr Moss has been helping cancer patients, their families and caregivers make their most informed treatment decisions for over 40 years. Reports, videos, podcasts all on this site.

My Healing Community

17K+ people researching cancer in this Facebook study support group.  Coming together to give and receive support in researching the many topics pertaining to healing cancer.

My Way Cancer Support

Dee healed herself from the most aggressive form of breast cancer using cannabis. Her site explains the different forms and the differences between them. Cannabis sativa oil and hemp seeds were part of my healing protocol.

Dr Nasha Winters

The metabolic approach to cancer stems from Nasha’s nearly 3 decades of personal and professional experience in the field of integrative oncology.

Natural Bird

Justine Laidlaw is a ‘cancer coach’ promoting a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, spiritual knowledge and a safe community to share ideas and positive thoughts.

Nutrition Facts

Videos/ Blogs/ Questions/ Podcasts.

Dr Patrick Quillin

Dr Quillin is an internationally recognised expert in nutrition and cancer who has 30 years experience as a clinical nutritionist, of which 10 years were spent as the VP of Nutrition for Cancer Treatment Centres of America.

Penny Brohn

‘We need more than medicine to live well with cancer.  We need to care for the mind, emotions, spirit, heart and soul.’ Penny Brohn, Founder.

Pink Lotus

Dr Kristi Funk’s Cancer-Kicking program teaches us how to maximally reduce our chances of facing cancer or any other controllable killer disease.

Prostate Cancer

Providing patients and caregivers with a platform to learn, educate, and connect with peers and healthcare professionals.

Glenn Sabin

“I have witnessed an extraordinary patient who achieved a clinical response through non-conventional treatment approaches.’ Lee M Nadler, Harvard Medical School.

Skin Cancer

Providing patients and caregivers with a platform to learn, educate, and connect with peers and healthcare professionals.

Stern Method

11 days before his first birthday Ryder Stern was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.  His parents’ mission is to help families reverse existing cases of childhood cancer and prevent future ones by showing the world a cleaner way to live. That’s Ryan on the right of the pic.

Truth About Cancer

I used many resources recommend by Ty Bollinger. His site shares information from doctors, researchers, experts and survivors. Ty and Charlene’s loss of family members to cancer and cancer treatments began their quest for the facts.


The only charity to work specifically with young adults with cancer in the UK to thrive with, through and beyond their cancer diagnosis. 

Very Well Health

Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Coping. A huge, research-based resource here.

Dr Weil

100’s of cancer-related articles to be found here.  Use the search icon for a specific type of cancer.

Jeannine Walston

Jeannine provides free information to educate and empower people with cancer and integrative cancer care for the whole person to improve quality of life, cancer survival, and cancer prevention.

Yes To Life

Offers individual support through their helpline, website, information via blogs and publications, radio show, workshops, talks and conferences, connecting people to therapies and practitioners.

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