Healthy Body

Health has become a massive ‘business’. We’ve selected the sites that we know – and more importantly – trust, so you can too

Where to Begin?

Dr Josh Axe

One of the first sites I came across as I was learning to heal from cancer.

Green Med Info

The world’s most widely referenced, evidence-based, natural medical resource.  I used it on my hunt for peer-reviewed research papers.


Pops up ALL the time when we’re searching for clear, easy to understand information on natural healing.

What’s New?

Dr Monisha Bhanote

‘5 doctors in one’ is how she describes herself. This quintuple-board certified doctor integrates ancient wisdom with modern mind-body science.

Prof. Valter Longo

Widely recognised as ‘Mr Fasting’, the benefits are scientifically shown on his site. They’re vast.

UK Health Radio

24/7 365 days. Reliable health information so that you are able to make better quality decisions when it comes to your health and that of your family.


Dr Josh Axe

A doctor of chiropractic, certified doctor of natural medicine and clinical nutritionist with a passion to help people  live a healthy lifestyle. Hover over ‘health’ for stacks of info.

Dr Monisha Bhanote

Integrating ancient wisdom with modern mind-body science this quintuple-board certified MD’s dedication to plant-powered nutrition is central to her groundbreaking research on gut, brain, and cellular health, underscoring the critical roles of the microbiome and inflammation management in the journey towards longevity.

Blue Zones

The 5 places where people live the longest, healthiest: Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece, and Loma Linda, California. They believe that movement, a plant-slant diet, relationships, a sense of purpose and having a faith, all lengthen lifespans. 

Dr Rangan Chatterjee

Dr Chatterjee practices ‘progressive medicine’ a 360-degree approach to health and how the body’s systems can better work together to reduce the risk of chronic disease while improving vitality. ‘The majority of my patients don’t need a pill, they need a lifestyle prescription’ he says.

Dr Will Cole

Dr Cole practices functional medicine: believing chronic illness is an outcome of imbalances in your body. A poor diet, lack of nutrients, stress, environmental toxins, lack of exercise all allow disease to develop.​

Doctor Yourself

Dr Andrew Saul calls himself ‘The Megavitamin Man’. His site has articles on Absorption of Vitamin C right through to Yeast Infection. Scroll down the ‘article archive’ on the left of this site to search relevant articles.

Everyday Health

‘Trustworthy content based on up-to-date, evidence-based health and medical information and patient and clinician experience to help inform you how to take control of your health’.


Articles on Allergies – to Wound Healing.

The Food Medic

‘An educational platform and media group aimed at bridging the gap between traditional medical advice and the latest thoughts and developments in nutrition and other areas of lifestyle.’

Dr Fuhrman

Comprehensive coverage of over 100 common health concerns, with overviews, action plans, sample related questions from the Ask the Doctor Community, useful links, and real-life recovery and success stories.

Getting Healthier

‘Unlock your body’s incredible ability to heal and regenerate itself’ says Dr Quillin. Hover over ‘health’ for articles  from Alzheimer’s to Yeast.

Green Med Info

Evidence-based natural medical information.  With 10,000 plus health topics and 500,000 visitors per month, it’s a comprehensive site.


Healthline’s team ensures that content, products, and services uphold medical integrity. 100+ professionals, more than 50 specialties. The information is accurate, evidence-based, current and trustworthy.

Health Union

40+ online communities provide support, validation, information and a sense of connection across a variety of chronic health conditions.  They believe the personal experience of living with a disease or chronic health condition is the most important voice in healthcare.  

Health Watch

Chris Woollam’s evidence-based, information-only website.  Articles from Alzheimer’s to Weight Control.  Profits are directed to helping those in need of treatment who cannot afford it. Hover over ‘your illness’ and search.

Healthy Home Economist

Sarah Pope is a Health and Nutrition Educator. Many articles on this site are reviewed, approved and written by medical doctors, dentists, naturopathic doctors and chiropractors.  Tap the health topic you require into the search option.

Heart MD Institute

Their mission is to educate patients and medical professionals alike about integrative medicine, with special focuses on metabolic cardiology and energy medicine.

Wim Hof

The Iceman will show you how, through a breathing technique, cold showers and the power of your mind, you can have: increased energy, better sleep, reduced stress levels, heightened focus & determination, increased willpower and a stronger immune system.

Keep Healthy

Advice on this site is regularly updated by senior doctors, nutritionists and exercise scientists, empowering you to make evidence-based lifestyle choices, helping you to avoid chronic illness and maintain a healthy mind and body.

Dr Michael Klaper

“Health is having a body that moves without pain, breathes without distress and allows us to perform the activities of life with complete presence and focused energy. “

Dr William Li

A world-renowned physician, scientist, speaker, and author.  His groundbreaking work has impacted more than 70 diseases including cancer, diabetes, blindness, heart disease, and obesity.

Live Love Fruit

‘I enjoy helping others heal themselves, lose weight, learn to love more, and to integrate raw foods into their lives. When you re-build your relationship with food, you re-build your relationship with yourself.’ Carly Fraser. 

Prof Valter Longo

Named by Time Magazine as one of the 50 most influential people in health care for his research on fasting-mimicking diets as a way to improve health and prevent disease.

Medical News Today

MNT’s physicians, nurses, public health experts, and patient advocates help ensure that the information they publish is accurate, evidence based, current, person centric, and trustworthy.

Dr McDougall

Dr. McDougall offers his personal take on each issue, followed by related newsletter articles, success stories and independent research. 

Mind Body Green

1000’s of  articles can be searched in this approach to wellness that weaves the mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental aspects of well-being together.

Naked Food Magazine

This website proposes a switch from the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) to the New American Kind & Enlightened Diet (N.A.K.E.D.), by eating organic, non-GMO, low-fat, whole, plant-based foods. Hover over ‘Naked Food as medicine’.

Natural Living Family

Dr Z is all about Biblical health. A chiropractic doctor, he specialises in public health research and aromatherapy.  Mama Z is a certified group fitness and martial arts instructor, health coach, lactation consultant, natural health guru. Use the search option for your health issue.

Dr Gemma Newman

The Plant Power Doctor has a specialist interest in holistic health, plant based nutrition and lifestyle medicine. She believes that it is only in addressing the root causes of stress and disconnection that we can truly heal. Hover over the ‘learn more’ option.

Physicians Committee

12,000+ physicians make up this nonprofit. They are working at changing the way doctors treat chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer. By putting prevention over pills, doctors are empowering their patients to take control of their own health. Click on ‘health topics’.

Plant Based News

With millions of readers and viewers, PBN delivers exclusive stories and content every day. Use the search bar for your health issue.


The independent health and medicine edition of the TED conference. TEDMED is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity. It convenes and curates people and ideas from all disciplines inside and outside of medicine. Use the search bar for your health issue.


4300+ talks.   Learn something new. Shift your perspective. Explore what’s possible. Broaden your horizons. Find your potential. Find your health issue by using the search bar.

Very Well Health

Over 20 years, they’ve amassed a library of 18,000+ pieces of content, by 100+ healthcare professionals including experienced doctors, nurses, and patient advocates, which is vetted by their panel of board-certified physicians. 

Dr Weil

With a Harvard education and a lifetime of practicing natural and preventive medicine, Dr. Weil is the founder and director of the Andrew Weil Centre for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. Hover over the ‘health and wellness’ section.

UK Health Radio

’24/7 365 we deliver reliable health information so that YOU, our listeners and readers, are able to make better quality decisions when it comes to your health and that of your family.’ Their purpose is ‘to inform and animate YOU, in a positive way, to take responsibility for our own health and this does not mean taking your health into your own hands, but to be an active part of the process of attaining and/or keeping your health freedom.’

Well Doing

A huge library of articles; from Abuse to Yoga.

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