Hospital Food With A Difference
18 October 2022|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability
That’s more like it!

Way more appealing than we’ve seen in a hospital restaurant. ‘A beautiful salad range, plus curries & stews all packed with diverse fresh ingredients and wonderful flavours’…
Meet Dr Rupy Aujla a former NHS doctor who ‘knows from years of experience’ that, as well as the visitors, hospital staff often struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle too.
His dream is to overhaul hospital food ‘so they can provide fresh, delicious, health promoting food for all’.
It’s a 5 week trial for now. Last week was Royal Surrey, this week Addenbrookes, then Barnet, Northwick Park and Peterborough.
We’ve seen lots of support for the project on his Twitter feed – adding ours.

As promised on last week’s Something New, we made them: 2 ingredient wraps from Elavegan.
We used chickpea flour and water:
120g/1cup chickpea flour
180-240ml water
1/3tsp salt
Mix, pop some coconut oil in a pan and cook. That’s it.
Free sleep conference this week. You can sign up here. If poor sleep is impacting your work, relationships and health, this could be for you. Dr Bruce Lipton is one of the more than 40 of the world’s most respected doctors, psychologists, scientists, researchers and healers featured. Dr Lipton’s session covers:
- How trauma impacts sleep
- 3 strategies for changing unconscious programs
- How to use sleep for trauma healing
Dave Asprey (The Better Baby Book) is also featured, his session discusses:
- The impact of light on sleep
- How to approach nutrition for optimum sleep
- How room temperature impacts upon your depth of sleep
There’s usually a weekend catch up repeat if you miss any sessions. No stress! (Just sleeeepppp).

There’s gold in them there podcasts…
This is new – and already the world’s no1! Mel Robbins is dropping nuggets of pure gold, as only she can.
We listened to episode no5 today ‘How to Let Go’, a timely picture of Autumn/Fall here in the Northern hemisphere.
Welcome to the podcast section of our site Mel.
How good do these look? No gluten, dairy, eggs or refined sugar, but LOADS of taste. Healthy Living James’s Free From Pancakes

We did enjoy them James, very much so. 1000’s more healthy recipes on our site.

Speciesism: ‘In applied ethics and the philosophy of animal rights, the practice of treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species; also, the belief that this practice is justified.’
We’ll leave that there – and yes, vegan Ricky Gervais would absolutely hold a chicken, or a pig, or a calf the same way as he’s holding the cat.
Endometriosis had the spotlight cast on it in this article from the UK’s The Times newspaper this week.
It paints a frustrating picture: ‘Up to 1.5 million women in the UK suffer from the condition but it takes an average of eight years to get a diagnosis, there is no cure and research is still critically underfunded’.
There is much you can do however – as you’ll see on our site.

‘Helping each other’ The Compassionate Friends charity. This is what they do.
‘Many people who have suffered the loss of a child feel a bond with others in the same situation and wish to extend the hand of friendship. We offer support, both directly to bereaved families, and indirectly by fostering understanding and good practice amongst professionals concerned with child death and by increasing public awareness.’
National UK Gathering for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents
When: 13 January – 15 January 2023
Where: Sedgebrook Hall Hotel, Northampton
‘After a break of over 3 years (since our 50th Anniversary Gathering), we are pleased to be able to now warmly invite all bereaved parents, siblings (18 years+) and grandparents who are bereaved 3 years or more to this supportive weekend in the Northamptonshire countryside with others who have experienced and understand the pain of child or sibling loss.’
There’s another for those bereaved less than 3 years ago:
Supportive Retreat Weekend for Parents in Early Bereavement
When: 24 February – 26 February 2023
Where: Ammerdown Centre, Bath
A friend offered their home last year for some of the charity’s retreats. Many more are planned for 2023. Details of their work can be found here. More support can be found on our site.
Who’dve thought?
We added another research article to the site this week, after Jane McLelland (How to Starve Cancer) highlighted it: Does Baking Soda Function as a Magic Bullet for Patients With Cancer? the 2020 article asked.
Apparently ‘Several in vivo experiments have revealed potential anticancer effects of sodium bicarbonate alone or in combination with other therapies.’
‘Sodium bicarbonate could be used as an adjuvant therapy to enhance the efficacy of conventional treatments.’
The full article is here
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