Plant-based for the Win
25 July 2022|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability
‘Consumption of a plant-enriched diet is associated with reduced cancer incidence and is recommended by dietary guidelines for cancer prevention.’
So says The Journal of the American Medicine Association this month. The review analyses a whole food plant based diet along with a ketogenic diet and their respective effects on cancer.
Wondering how much of a role nutrition plays in cancer outcomes? This recent review lays it out in black and white: a large body of evidence suggests that adherence to a whole food plant based diet is associated with reduced cancer risk and has been shown to confer additional benefits for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, body weight, and body composition.

We waste an estimated 6.6 million tonnes of food a year, according to the food charity Wrap (The Waste and Resources Action Programme) – and that’s just the UK!
Marks and Spencer have decided to remove best before dates from over 300 fruit and vegetable lines in a bid to reduce that figure, reports The Times newspaper this week. Makes sense; we can see when fruit/vegetables are no longer fit for consumption and make our own judgements.
Did ‘my bit’ at our local supermarket again this week too, these boxes really are a bargain at 2.50 euros. They won’t last long, but all the contents were good to use.

New to our site this week is this gem. They’ve had some great guests recently: Dr Will Bulsiewicz talking about gut health, ‘Earthling Ed’ Winters discussing his book Vegan Propaganda, co-founders of Plant Based Health Online Dr Shireen Kassam and Dr Laura Freeman and husband and wife team Drs Sherzai discussing brain health.

My girlfriend ordered her own copy when she got home last week – along with a blender to play with.
Go Gina! (and Andy).

We added Pebble Magazine to our site this week, along with the founder’s recent book; Is It Really Green?
They’re right, it is a handy guide for green issues you’re just not sure about. There’s so much conflicting information out there, this is a great practical resource, that’s on offer at £1.99 on Amazon UK Kindle this month too.
More from them coming soon.

Friday’s haul from the young couple in our village that run an organic fruit and vegetable and flowers and eggs and herbs and… business.
The green beans were almost sweet, they were served with balsamic vinegar.
The yellow courgettes were pan-fried with sea-salt and black pepper, doused with olive oil.
The padron peppers were dry pan fried with sea-salt.
The tomatoes sliced and served with the basil and black pepper and olive oil.
The cucumbers accompanied home-made hummus.
The free range eggs were hard boiled and enjoyed by the members of the family that do.
All from our village – a short supply chain of 1km.