COP27 – The Real Thing?
11 October 2022|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability, Testimonials

Coca Cola’s 1972 advertising campaign claimed Coke is ‘the real thing’
Fast forward 50 years and ‘Heads of State, ministers and negotiators, along with climate activists, mayors, civil society representatives and CEOs will meet in the Egyptian coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh for the largest annual gathering on climate action’ – says the UN site of the upcoming COP27 climate change conference.
The Coca Cola Company – one of the biggest plastic polluters in the world – has been unveiled as the official provider and supporter.
Pollution is a major concern. There is no doubt it is contributing to the changes we are seeing in our world.
Still trying to get our heads around this one…
An ‘easy lunch recipe‘ for us last week – and the remaining sauce went on to have sliced mushrooms and brown rice noodles added to become an ‘easy dinner recipe’ too. Quick, easy, healthy and delicious.
Robin Openshaw, founder of the Green Smoothie Girl has an inspiring story: 20 years ago her young son was underweight and had serious asthma, she was obese and feeling pretty helpless, as doctors told her they couldn’t help her little boy. They both went whole-food plant-based, healed and her joy comes from sharing with others what she learned whilst turning both their lives around. You’ll find her site in our recipe section.
Chris Wark’s Square One Coaching Programme is free to air from 18-27th October. It’s excellent. If you, or someone you love has had that scary, life-changing cancer diagnosis please give it a watch.

‘Those 3 little words’ Chris speaks of almost broke me 5 years ago, it seems I’m not the only one who finds the commercialisation of breast cancer offensive, as shared on last week’s Something New:

Ela Vegan joined our site this week, as we became one of their 1.2M followers on Instagram. Spotted Ela’s 2 ingredient tortillas being made on someone else’s post and followed her account.
Let you know how we get on with making them in next week’s blog…

The Daily Mail newspaper in the UK started a new series this week: ‘The Really Healthy Way to Shop and Eat’ with Dr Tim Spector, whose Spoon Fed book on nutrition you’ll find featured on our site. (He has a new book out in a few day’s time too called Food for Life).
Thanks Helen once more for the ‘heads up’!

Some of those headlines:
- Beware those shiny apples – you could be eating ethylene.
- Your ‘fresh’ juice that’s a year old – most oranges are squeezed a year before the carton hits the shops.
- Beetroot juice to boost your sex life – (I swear I didn’t know this when I posted a recipe for beet juice on last week’s blog…)
- Secret of the white strawberry ring – they’re unripe – and will never ripen.
- Porridge with a chemical taste – regular porridge or muesli eaters have tenfold higher blood levels of particular chemicals like glyphosate (or Roundup). Buy organic folks!
- Stinky cheese that smells like feet – yep, the same microbes which love living on our feet are in some cheeses…
- The truth about sliced bread – if it comes with extra chemical additives designed to prevent the bread sticking together and going mouldy, it’s not going to be good for you.
- Watch out for fishy names – they’re often not what they claim to be.
- 3 cups of coffee a day – to reduce heart disease, morbidity, possibly diabetes and even cancer.
Monday 10 October was World Mental Health Day.
The UN says:
‘The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health.’
Commendable. We all know that our mental health needs consideration the other 364 days of the year too, which is why we have a ‘Healthy Mind‘ section on our site, full of resources for you and yours.

Tanya had Multiple Sclerosis for years. She’s been symptom free for 12 years now, you can find her healing story and many more on our site. Inspiring.