The World’s Gone Pink
4 October 2022|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability

It’s October so everything is covered in pink for a few weeks.
These pink exercise weights are one effective way to help prevent and treat breast cancer. While the world gathers in parks, posts ribbons on it’s Facebook profiles and eats cake to raise funds for cancer charities, we’ll be working out, oxygenating our bodies, eating healthily and continuing to share what we’ve learned about how to prevent this escalating disease.

Then this email lands in our inbox. Who would you send such a card to – free, or not? We find it offensive, we think many others will too. Insensitive to anyone who has been told they need a mastectomy.
Moonpig: we’re not impressed.

Breast cancer is never ‘an occasion’ either.
Moving on…
‘Plantable Stationary’. This is so clever. Left-handesign started following us on Instagram this week, I had a peek at their products and I have to say am very impressed. (As a ‘leftie’ myself!). More sustainable ideas on our site.

Beet juice (we like a bit of flower co-ordination). Great for cleansing our system and priming us for the autumn season ahead (here in the northern hemisphere.). ‘Beets are loaded with vitamins and minerals yet low in calories and fat. They’re also a good source of several key nutrients, including folate, manganese, and copper.’ So says Healthline. You can find more from them on our site.
1 raw beetroot
Piece of turmeric
Piece of ginger
1 apple
1 lemon
Filtered water

Plant-based for the win – again! Congratulations Mr Novak Djokovic, another Grand Slam this year. Tel Aviv this time.
Cheering you on.

My friend Denise Branford shared this lovely testimony from one of her attendees who has turned her life around and reduced her diabetes meds as a result of changing her diet and taking regular exercise.

Thank you for your donations to our fundraiser last month. We raised sufficient funds to cover our GoDaddy website hosting and email fees for the next year. Great to know you appreciate what we do!

Mr Ed Sheeran sang of ‘Supermarket Flowers’ a few years ago and we all know they can, at times, be ‘less than’. These however… We’ve few flowers left in our garden so topped up the foliage with a 2 euro bunch. Not too shoddy – and the acts of arranging and enjoying are great for self-care

We’re Gathering once more this Thursday, 6 October: 7pm CET, 6pm UK time. Here’s the link to the Zoom meeting, or log on with the Meeting ID: 374 3787 1376. Passcode: 00 (Double-zero, of course).
Do ‘pull up a virtual chair’ and join us. No recording of the meeting, no follow-up (unless you request it), a safe place to ask, listen, share and learn.

Our current read: Anita Moorjani’s latest.
We feature Anita’s website in our Healthy Mind section and her best-selling Dying to be Me in our cancer book-section. I have a feeling this one will be joining the site soon too – having scored 33/34 in her ‘Are you an Empath’ quiz…
99p/99c on Amazon Kindle UK/FR this month.
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