Now For Some Good News

Now For Some Good News

6 April 2021|Health, Nutrition, Sustainability, Testimonials

We began on Easter Sunday and continue with this, from Irena, one of our contributors:

Needle phobia Fear Double-zero Focus Healing

Vicky contacted me a couple of years ago regarding a debilitating needle phobia she had suffered from since early childhood. Her goal: “not to let this phobia rule my life!” However, the underlying reason Vicky got in touch was that she and her partner wanted to start a family. 

The fear Vicky felt was extremely intense and we had to abandon the process a couple of times. Finally, I decided instead of being confined to my practice room, we would take a little stroll down my country lane, and I would try using

BWRT®(BrainWorking Recursive Therapy) again – while we were walking and chatting in the sunshine. Without the pressure of expectations, Vicky was relaxed and within about 20 minutes she achieved what she came to achieve.

A few months later, Vicky texted me: “I’ve done it, given blood!” It’s always an uplifting moment when your client faces their fear and does it anyway – without a hitch!

Then in June 2020, Vicky recontacted me to announce she was two months pregnant! Also, “could we work on her birthing fears”?  Osian was born in January 2021.  Irena is featured on our Healthy Mind websites section.

I’ve been busy ‘cleaning up’ the site this week.  You’ll notice Health Conditions have been broken down into 11 sections and I’ve begun putting comments at the top of each page of our site, bringing a friendlier feel, rather than a list of information (that’s the aim anyway!  Do let me know if it works for you…) sharing things that I’ve used and learned along the way.

Simon Hill The Plant Proof Podcast Double-zero

Jue found this gem this week too.  Now why does she enjoy listening so much?  Because is features Gemma Newman aka Plant Power Doctor and the regenerative agriculture advocates behind Kiss the Ground film?  Or could it be the soft Aussie tones of Mr Simon Hill?  I have no idea – but it really is worth a listen…

The China Study T Colin Campbell Nutrition Double-zero

A very strange thing happened this week (it’s been quite a week by all accounts):  Jue and I were out walking on Easter Saturday and came across a copy of this being offered on a free bookstall by the side of the street.  In English.  In a little medieval village in SW France.

I’ve been missing my copy (that Jue bought me as a birthday gift) since I swapped it with a medical student from Cambridge University, who was staying with us last summer.

Featured on the site here.  I’ll tell you what I swapped it for next time.

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By doublezero100

Denise Stevenson founded the health and wellness charity in 2021 after healing from stage 3 breast cancer at (5-zero) and realising there was no one source to access the wealth of resources that had guided her back to health without the mastectomy her oncologist said was a certainty. Denise is a church founder and president, author and local councillor. She's English-born and has French nationality after living there with her husband and 3 girls for the past 20 years.

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