Learning Never Ends

Learning Never Ends

15 March 2021|Health, Recipes, Sustainability, Testimonials

Food matters Nutrition Health Double-zero

We’re signed up to this free event!  

Keen to learn which foods to eat and which to avoid to fight inflammation and disease?

Effective strategies to manage stress, overwhelm & anxiety?

How vitamins C & D can be used to boost your immunity?

Why your immune defence is your best bet against viruses and illness?

The science and power of visualisation & why you need to use it for transformation?

A whole-foods approach to mastering diabetes naturally without prescription drugs?

10 days, 10 expert interviews, 10 wellness classes.  We’re in, click on the pic to join too

BBC Earth Sustainability Sustainable Me

Added to our site this week is the BBC’s Sustainability offering.  Loads for kids, great podcasts, quizzes, TV shows – all with the exceptional visual quality we’ve come to expect from Auntie…

Louise Bond is an English teacher in the UK, whom we’ve gotten to know over the past couple of years.  She shares her healing testimony from metastatic lung cancer, her second brush with the disease:

9 March 2021  ‘A miracle!  A comparison of my brain tumours on the CT scan in November on the left made with a comparison of the scan on the right which is now tumour free!!!  I can’t believe it!!! It’s gone!!

What did I do to beat metastatic brain cancer? In a nutshell – I ate an enormous amount of organic alkaline veggies and had three green juices daily. In fact, I ate as many raw veggies as humanly possible, keeping proteins and carbs to a minimum. No cheese, eggs, milk, no dairy. I drank up to three litres of lemon water a day. In the morning I consumed garlic, curcumin and ginger.  I also took my natural vitamins and after about two hours my conventional meds.’

So happy for you dear Louise, thank you for sharing with us

More cancer healing testimonies here 

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By doublezero100

Denise Stevenson founded the health and wellness charity Double-zero.org in 2021 after healing from stage 3 breast cancer at (5-zero) and realising there was no one source to access the wealth of resources that had guided her back to health without the mastectomy her oncologist said was a certainty. Denise is a church founder and president, author and local councillor. She's English-born and has French nationality after living there with her husband and 3 girls for the past 20 years.

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