A Moral Obligation

February 2024; 6th flight in 7 days. As we take our seats my neighbour asks ‘are you off skiing?’. ‘No, on my way home after The Appleseed Project cancer conference in West Palm Beach, Florida.’ We chat and he shares that his mother is friends with Laura Bond, the author of one of the first books I was sent by a friend in New Zealand on diagnosis of breast cancer in 2017. He messages his mum with a ‘You’ll never guess what just happened…’

‘You have a moral obligation to share what you have learned to help others’ he says.

Above is part of that mission: Dr Karfeldt from The Karfeldt Center in Idaho, US contacted Denise following the conference and invited her to their Integrated Cancer Solutions podcast.

What is Integrative oncology? Taking the Standard of Care (chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy) options and looking at all the other medically researched complimentary therapies to support our bodies. Many medical professionals believe this is the future. So do we.

Delighted to be a small part of that future:

Denise has been invited to be a Global Partner for the Appleseed Project and is honoured to be invited to speak at next year’s conference. She does have a moral obligation after all.

Dr Michael Mosley, 1957 – 2024

“Take a genuine interest in all the things that make up the rich tapestry of life. Curiosity is a key to happiness.”
Wise words from Dr Michael Mosley, who tragically died last week. We have featured him on our resource since day one: You can find his work on intermittent fasting, gut health, sleep improvement and his podcast ‘Just One Thing’.

A tribute page has been set up. Rest in Peace Doctor.

Our bank account is almost empty. This year Double-zero has benefitted from so many connections at conferences and events in the UK and the US, we’ve updated our website to allow language options/ a search option/ unlimited pages. We’ve attended local sporting and cancer events. We’ve supported many and are slowly increasing our reach, to enable us to support even more, via a regular social media presence and an updated newsletter.

All this is free-to-access for all, but comes at a price, of course. Would you consider a monthly donation to support us maintain this free resource? We’ve set up payment links in US Dollars, UK pounds and Euros for monthly or one-off donations to support our work.

We’ve survived on ‘one off’ donations thus far, but a small, regular, monthly donation (which can be cancelled at any time, of course), would give us a regular income we can depend on.

Thank you for considering supporting our independent resource. We have full intention of keeping it that way.

Seems like our ‘eat a banana’ or ‘have some avo on sourdough’ advice to running/sporty friends does indeed have a solid foundation.

Thank you Institute for Integrative Nutrition for this graphic. No over-priced sugar-filled bottles required.

Lots of new books and discussions taking place around the subject of menopause, which has to be a good thing.
Here’s Dr Mosconi, whom we feature on our Women’s Health resource, discussing her thoughts with Steven Bartlett.

A glut of zucchini/courgettes resulted in this dish: Sautéed Zucchini Ribbons with lemon and garlic.

Delicious. They lasted several days and were integrated into pasta dishes, lunchtime salads and with gnocchi.

The Whole Home has been featured on our sustainability resource for years now. We’ve followed Kezia and her family as they set about living sustainability. She’s a great role model; authentic and inspiring. Praise indeed…

The worldwide press have been uncovering payments made to celebrity doctors over the past few years, which have not been declared. Mmm, should ANY payments be taken from drug companies by doctors? Time for transparency, authenticity and above all change.

Our response on the ‘X’ platform seems to have been agreed with by many.

Our current read is by Dr Kelly Brogan; psychiatrist, former Hashimoto’s patient, a healer who has healed. This woman! More to follow…

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By doublezero100

Denise Stevenson founded the health and wellness charity Double-zero.org in 2021 after healing from stage 3 breast cancer at (5-zero) and realising there was no one source to access the wealth of resources that had guided her back to health without the mastectomy her oncologist said was a certainty. Denise is a church founder and president, author and local councillor. She's English-born and has French nationality after living there with her husband and 3 girls for the past 20 years.

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