The full circle of life is covered here: from pregnancy, hormones (male and female) to a raft of women’s health issues.
Healing testimonies abound too: from toxic breast implants to endometriosis, the menopause, PCOS, PMS, the list goes on.
Not easy being female when so many external forces are messing with our hormones nowadays
Dr Lana Asprey

Lana is a medical doctor, Dave an expert in nutrition and a Silicon Valley executive in the medical technology field. In 2006, Lana and Dave were ready to start their family, and combined their knowledge to figure out how to have the healthiest, brightest baby they could while reducing the risk of autism as much as possible.
Dr Nitu Bajekal

“Manage your condition using proven lifestyle approaches alongside western medicine’. Dr Bajekal, AKA ‘the ‘Plant-Based Gynae,’ provides clarity and support to help tackle your symptoms, along with a 21-day plan, plant-based recipes and case histories.
Marilyn Glenville

The UK ‘s leading expert in women’s health, who has helped countless couples to achieve a healthy pregnancy, this unique book draws on the very latest research to show how a tailor-made plan of action can maximise your chances of conception.
Marilyn Glenville

‘The definitive guide to a drug-free, symptom-free menopause. Based on years of clinical practice, Dr Marilyn Glenville, PhD, reveals what doctors don’t tell you and gives you simple, easy-to-follow natural solutions for getting and staying healthy before, during and after the menopause.’
Marilyn Glenville

Proven solutions to beat PCOS and enjoy a symptom-free life, naturally. If you are suffering from the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, such as excess hair loss, acne, weight gain and irregular or no periods, then this book is for you.
Marilyn Glenville

Take control of your monthly symptoms and get rid of them permanently. Instead of following the orthodox method of dealing with each PMS symptom individually, Dr Glenville reveals a new and radical approach explaining how you can gain relief from all your symptoms naturally.
Dr Neal Barnard

‘How hormones are wreaking havoc on the body, and the simple solution that improves health, reduces pain, and even helps to shed weight.’
Excellent book!
Patrick Holford

‘How to reduce your exposure to hormones. Why reducing stress and optimising your diet are vital. Ways to beat PMS, heavy periods, bloating, cystitis and yeast infections.Natural solutions for polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, fibroids, breast lumps and infertility. The secrets of a trouble-free menopause and osteoporosis prevention.’
Patrick Holford

Drawing on the latest research this book shows you how good nutrition can optimise your ability to get pregnant, enable you to have a healthy pregnancy and give your baby a great start in life.
Lisa Mosconi

All aspects of women’s health: brain fog, memory lapses, depression, stress, insomnia, hormonal imbalances and the increased risk of dementia to be found here. Methods for protecting the female brain, encompassing diet, stress reduction and sleep. The effectiveness of HRT, the perils of environmental toxins and the role of our microbiome.
Dr Christiane Northrup

We want to “age gracefully,” the truth is we’re programmed to dread an inevitable decline: in our health, our looks, our sexual relationships, even the pleasure we take in living life. Dr Northrup believes that we have it in us to make growing older an entirely different experience.
Dr Christiane Northrup

With this trusted resource Dr Northrup shows that women can make menopause a time of personal empowerment—emerging wiser, healthier, and stronger in both mind and body than ever before.
Dr Hazel Wallace

‘ I explore how nutrition plays a role across our menstrual cycle; how our fitness is shaped by our physical make-up; how our hormones affect our mental health across our lifespan; and how sleep can save your sanity, no matter the day of the month – plus 50 new, nourishing recipes’.
Chris Woollams

An excess of oestrogen can cause cancer and endometriosis, premature low sperm count, swollen prostates, early menarche (as young as 7), obesity, etc. Non-small cell lung cancer is the fastest growing form of lung cancer in the Western World. And you don’t have to have been near a cigarette to develop it. It is oestrogen-driven….