Start With Why

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Says Simon Sinek in his 1M+ bestselling book. Why do we do what we do? Why do the people featured on this resource do what they do?

It isn’t the easy option, that’s for sure. Many (if not most) have been criticised/challenged/questioned for their beliefs. They do what they do because they are passionate about helping people, about sharing what they have learned to make others lives better.

That is our ‘why’ here at Double-zero.

As Mr Sinek says: ‘There are only two ways to influence human behaviour: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.’

There is too much manipulation in our world – we aim to inspire.

Bryony Daly is the inspiration behind the UK’s only integrative cancer charity; their why. Bryony was diagnosed with cancer at 9 years old, underwent conventional cancer treatments, had a good quality of life for the following decade until it returned, with fatal consequences, at age 23. Her father Robin (the Founder and Chairman of the charity) says: ‘She is still remarkably present, particularly in the spirit of Yes to Life, where huge numbers receive the benefit of the help she knew was so desperately needed by so many.’

Tickets for their annual in-person event are priced for accessibility at £35 and if it’s anything like June’s online conference it will be a sound investment for anyone wanting to learn new techniques, new scientific understandings, and new applications for existing therapies. Inspiring.

More inspiration in this new film: ‘A young couple that bets on nature for the future of their failing, four-hundred-year-old estate. The young couple battles entrenched tradition, and dares to place the fate of their farm in the hands of nature.’

Making little money with conventional farming this couple found another way to make their income. That was their why. And oh, how beautiful and inspiring the successful result has been.

Trust is the word our Jue used to describe this new film:

‘A beautiful film about Trust: Trusting nature to recover an estate that had become completely depleted by over farming. Nature has the ability to recover given the right environment. A diversity of animals. A diversity of plants. Miracles then happen. The same is true of our bodies. Given the right environment our bodies can heal. Nutrition. Lifestyle. Faith. And above all Trust. Trusting the process and taking one step at a time. A diversity of plants. A diversity of the gut microbiome. Let go and trust the process.

Miracles do happen.

‘When you fix the food, people get healthy’. The late Dr John McDougall believed in healthy eating, he believed it was worth doing. That was his why. Rest in peace Doc, you inspired 1000’s to do exactly that – and here’s how:

‘Greater exposure to ultra-processed food was associated with a higher risk of adverse health outcomes, especially cardio-metabolic, common mental disorder, and mortality outcomes. These findings provide a rationale to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of using population based and public health measures to target and reduce dietary exposure to ultra-processed foods for improved human health.’ This is from a massive research sample of almost 10M people published in the British Medical Journal earlier this year.

Improving human health is a pretty huge why when we talk about reducing ultra-processed food in our diet. Packaged foods, with more than 5 ingredients are said to be ultra-processed. It currently makes up 50% of our diet in the UK, 60% in America.

Why I take the photo… and why the wonderful words of Donna Ashworth are feature on our resource.

No bigger why than the survival of our species and our planet. This is free-to-watch this weekend. Narrated by Kate Winslet, endorsed by Leonardo de Caprio and Sir Paul McCartney it’s featured on our sustainability resource, along with a stack of other important films.

Dr Malhotra’s brother’s, mother’s and father’s deaths are his why. He went into medicine with his family’s values of humility, honesty and decency embedded. This podcast has had 1M+ views in 48 hours. In it he discusses his why, his research and his experiences, which form his views on our current medical system, our general health, specifically our heart health. More from Dr Malhotra on our Heart/Cholesterol resource.

We share information from trusted medical professionals and first-hand healing stories. Why? Because if we knew none of this then there’s a chance you don’t either.

Imagine a reduction of over 40% of cancer cases worldwide. ‘Between 30% and 50% of cancer deaths could be prevented by modifying or avoiding key risk factors and implementing existing evidence-based prevention strategies.’ The World Health Organisation.

And that’s ‘just’ cancer. All lifestyle diseases are the same. That’s a pretty big why…

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Why support our work?

Because we exist to help you and others like you. We have already helped 1000’s of people and are well aware that our work is just beginning.

We invest hours and hours in building and maintaining this resource and we need income to keep it free-to-all. We have costs to cover and earn no money from advertising or affiliate links. We are independent and accept only charitable donations.

How to support our work?

Click here to make a monthly or one-off donation via Stripe (a well respected online payment method, with whom we have charity status). We can issue a receipt as required.

We are considering adding a ‘supporters’ tab to the site: We are grateful for all the generous support from individuals, organisations, and businesses. With their permission, we would honour and acknowledge our past and present supporters who have made this public service possible. (The option to donate anonymously will of course remain). Thoughts?

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By doublezero100

Denise Stevenson founded the health and wellness charity in 2021 after healing from stage 3 breast cancer at (5-zero) and realising there was no one source to access the wealth of resources that had guided her back to health without the mastectomy her oncologist said was a certainty. Denise is a church founder and president, author and local councillor. She's English-born and has French nationality after living there with her husband and 3 girls for the past 20 years.

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