Shoulders Back, Lovely Boy

Owen Farrell

As Dad’s Army’s Windsor Davies would say to the recruits!

This young man has every reason to hold his head high: Owen Farrell captained the England rugby team last weekend to within one point of a place in the World Cup Final. Leading by example he scored ALL their points. Leadership; some have it, some don’t. More shining examples of those that do can be found in our Healthy Mind resource.

Whilst we’re talking posture, here’s an article written for us by Jennifer McGregor,

From Slouch to Stellar; The Benefits of Perfecting Your Posture

Two people back to back, one standing on a wooden box
Image via Pexels

Good posture is not merely a cosmetic concern; it’s crucial for long-term health and comfort. The repercussions of poor posture extend from physical issues like back pain to emotional consequences such as diminished self-confidence. As technology draws us increasingly into hunched positions over screens, the urgency for better posture grows. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of upright alignment and provide actionable steps to help you improve your posture, whether you’re an office worker or an active retiree.

Enhance Physical Balance The foundation of good posture lies in physical balance. When your body is in equilibrium, the muscles work in harmony to hold you upright without exerting unnecessary strain on any single area. Good posture distributes the stress of gravity evenly across your body, reducing wear and tear. This also lowers the risk of accidents caused by imbalance, particularly in older adults. Better posture allows you to move more freely, making daily activities easier and more enjoyable.

Sit Upright It may seem basic, but sitting upright holds considerable power in the journey toward better posture. It’s especially important for those who spend hours working at a desk. Maintain alignment by ensuring your head, neck, and spine are in a straight line. Keep your feet flat on the floor and resist the urge to cross your legs, which can throw off alignment. Simple adjustments like these can enhance comfort and productivity, while also benefiting your long-term physical health.

Strengthen Core Muscles To maintain an upright posture, you’ll need more than just willpower; you’ll need muscle strength. A strong core — encompassing your abdomen, lower back, and glutes — supports your spine and minimises strain. Exercises such as planks, sit-ups, and Pilates can be effective in targeting these muscles. As you strengthen your core, you’ll notice the effort required to maintain good posture will diminish, making it easier to stand tall effortlessly.

Stand Tall Standing tall has a significant impact on our overall posture. When we stand up straight, we are able to maintain a neutral spinal alignment, which allows for optimal functioning of our muscles and joints. Additionally, good posture improves our physical appearance and can leave us feeling more confident. If you want to see good posture in action, check out your favourite celebrity’s heights on How Tall Height to see how they measure up to your expectations.

Regular Chiropractic Visits Consulting a chiropractor regularly can be a game-changer for your posture. These specialists can identify misalignments and recommend adjustments to encourage better posture. For those committed to tracking their progress, keeping an organised digital record of your chiropractic or medical visits can be invaluable. Platforms that allow you to store your records in PDFs can be particularly useful.

Ergonomic Workspace Setup Your work environment has a profound impact on your posture. It’s crucial to set up your workspace ergonomically to maintain proper alignment. Your computer screen should be at eye level so you’re not tilting your head up or down, and your keyboard and mouse should be within easy reach. Make these adjustments to reduce strain and prevent slouching, which in turn, promotes better posture.

Enhance Strength and Flexibility A flexible, strong body adapts more easily to maintaining good posture. Strength training, along with flexibility exercises such as yoga, helps to balance the muscular system. This balance aids in keeping your body aligned and in preventing the muscle fatigue that often comes from poor posture. As you become more flexible and strong, your body will naturally maintain better posture, even when you’re not consciously thinking about it.

Invest in Supportive Seating For long periods of sitting, a supportive chair can make all the difference. Ergonomic chairs designed with adjustable height and adequate lumbar support can be lifesavers for your back and posture. Investing in such a chair encourages natural alignment and decreases the chances of developing problems related to poor posture, especially during extended work hours.

Practice Perfect Posture Better posture is not a myth; it’s an achievable goal with countless benefits. From enhanced physical balance and reduced discomfort to increased confidence and well-being, the rewards are indeed significant. By incorporating these simple yet effective tips into your daily routine, you are setting yourself on a journey toward a more comfortable, confident, and healthy life. It’s time to stand tall, both literally and figuratively, as you reap the benefits of better posture.

Thanks Jennifer – lots to think about!

Began Monday morning with this week’s podcast from Steven Bartlett aka Diary of A CEO. His guest was Chris van Tulleken, whose bestseller is aptly called Ultra Processed People. It’s a shocking indictment of ‘Big Food’ and the consequences for us all. Want to know what Coca Cola, Actimel, Cheerios and packaged sliced bread do to our bodies?

Why we need to prioritise cooking from scratch (see delicious recipe below…)
Vegetable and Pearl Barley Soup

Vegetable and Pearl Barley Soup from Amelia Freer; a nutritionalist that was recommended to us by a fellow nutritionalist. This one ‘hit the spot’ on a blustery Autumn Sunday evening. Delicious – thanks Fi!

More recommendations for our recipe resource always welcome.

Free online summit 31 October – 6 November

We’re signed up.

SO many of the speakers are featured on our cancer resource. The summit focuses on healing and prevention – with one in two adults currently hearing ‘you have cancer’ in their lifetime and those numbers heading in the wrong direction breakthroughs are dearly needed.

Banana choc chip breakfast cookies on greaseproof paper

One of these beauties is on a plate by my side as I type. Coffee, one of these and a bit of the message below awaits me… Banana chocolate chip breakfast cookies from Yum Universe, featured on The First Mess’s website. It’s not breakfast time – who’s checking?

River banks with trees
Anyone else? We already know the answer to that question. Heavy times. Look after yourselves, I’m off outside in the rain for a break…

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