Feeling almost sleepy as I type; a 432hz playlist from YouTube is playing. 440hz or 432hz does it make a difference? (And what are we even talking about???). ‘The current reference frequency for tuning musical instruments is 440 Hz. Some theorists and musicians claim that the 432 Hz tuning has better effects on the human body’ says this research from the US Dept of Health, which seems to indicate that yes, it does. Not the first time we’ve heard this, fascinating stuff suggesting there may well be healing benefits for our bodies.
What to do when a bunch of old friends come to stay on a cold, rainy January weekend? A 1000 piece jigsaw. An interview on BBC Radio 4 today was extolling the relaxing benefits of ‘puzzling’.

Maybe not when it’s 999 pieces though. How maddening! Deep breaths… and relax.
Diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in 2020 this ‘cheeky chappie’ has already gone way beyond the 6 months prognosis he was initially given. Still working, Jonnie Irwin, the former ‘A Place in the Sun’ presenter had an early 50th birthday party a few months ago (not expecting to make his actual one.) But he did! Here he is pictured over Christmas.
Jonnie shares the trials of his journey with stage 4 lung cancer in a new podcast from How to Starve Cancer’s Jane McLelland in which he unveils ‘the symphony of treatments that form the backdrop of his story including Intravenous Vitamin C, the use of off-label drugs, and the challenges faced with stage 4 cancer such as dealing with cachexia and his resistance to Osimertinib.’
His uplifting story hit the UK Nationals last week: The Express and The Mirror. Sadly no mention of Jane’s work in the articles – Jonnie gives her the credit she deserves however, have a listen here.
Maybe not include that plastic bottle with your fitness routine… A research article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA last week showed the huge problem of micro and nano-plastics in bottled water. Nano-plastics are even smaller than micro-plastics and are believed to be more toxic since their smaller size renders them much more amenable to enter the human body. Scary report – do use filtered water, in a glass, or stainless steel bottle. And – relax.

‘You can’t turn back the clock but you can wind it up again’ Joan MacDonald. How relaxed does she look? Talk about comfortable in your own skin. From a 70 year old who was ‘unfit and fat’ (her words), today she’s a 77 year old ‘fitness guru’ with 1.9M Instagram followers to boot! Great article from the UK’s The Times newspaper here. As she says ‘it’s never too late’.

Hanging vitamin C in Seville last week. A lovely RELAXING 3 night break in a stunning city. 2024 Let’s do this – it is redemption time after all (our word of the year.)

Speaking of redemption, it’s taken a huge amount of emotional strength for many of us to get through the past few years. We have. We made it. Let’s not stop being kind because others weren’t. It’s redemption time. More from the fabulous Vex King on our Healthy Mind resource.
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