Question Everything

Kindred spirits came together last month; here are Denise Stevenson and Mark Lintern. ‘Citizen Scientists’ as Dave Asprey called us on his podcast with Mark last week.

  1. Take one graphic designer and one Premier League sales manager, both of whom have had cancer.
  2. Throw in friends who refuse to look at published scientific evidence that there may be other ways to rediscover health and supplement the current Standard of Care, (which is based on genetic causes – unproven) and what do you get?
  3. Two healthy peeps, a new cancer theory explained in an award-winning book (now featured on our cancer section) and a massive health resource in the form of this website that is helping so many Question Everything.

Wonderful to see Dr Gemma Newman, a British NHS Doctor (National Health Service) Questioning Everything. She’s different as Mo Gawdat (Slo Mo) notes…

Questions we get asked all the time: Don’t we need the calcium from dairy? Where do you get your protein from?

‘You can be an athlete and only eat plants’ says Nimai. He’s never eaten meat…

Great Vegan Athletes article here. More info in our nutrition section.

‘Trust your body, believe in hope, leave room for miracles’.

Kris Hallenga, founder of breast cancer charity CoppaFeel! sadly died this week. She had lived with secondary breast cancer for 15 years. Kris was turned away by her GP for more than a year before she managed to receive a diagnosis. That intuition? Listen to it, keep going back and Question Everything.

Another Question: What are these goodies?

Delicious healthy cookies all packaged up and frozen to be kept for our village sports day on 25 May where they’ll be sold by Double-zero to buy sports equipment for our village school.

Recipe from Deliciously Ella’s latest book ‘Healthy Made Simple’ (minus the coconut sugar.)

Another question that so many are finally asking:

What is happening to our skies?

The debate is fierce.

Your thoughts?

Summer’s on its way in the northern hemisphere. Our bodies (and spirits!) need sunshine – just don’t burn, that’s where the risks lie.

Question what’s in our sun protection creams too. Here’s Nivea’s score on Yuka’s free app. The culprit here is phenoxyethanol, a petrochemical which can cause allergic reactions. The app links to the studies that suggest repeated exposure causes toxicity and has adverse effects on the blood, liver and fertility.

Yuka recommends Nivea’s Protection sun spray for children SPF 50+ sensible as a better option, with an ‘excellent’ score of 76/100.

Garnier’s not too impressive either: Moderate risk ingredient here is ethylhexyl salicylate, which according to the European Chemicals Agency (EHCA) is a suspected endocrine disruptor, carries a risk of skin irritation and allergic reactions, it’s also toxic to aquatic life. (Scientific sources are linked on their app).

Again Yuka recommends Nivea’s Protection solaire spray for children SPF 50+ Sensible as a better option.

Victory in Europe, 8 May, 79 years ago. Question Everything. And never forget.

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By doublezero100

Denise Stevenson founded the health and wellness charity in 2021 after healing from stage 3 breast cancer at (5-zero) and realising there was no one source to access the wealth of resources that had guided her back to health without the mastectomy her oncologist said was a certainty. Denise is a church founder and president, author and local councillor. She's English-born and has French nationality after living there with her husband and 3 girls for the past 20 years.

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