Embrace The Power

‘We are quantifying how powerful the mind is.’ Michelle A Poirier, PhD

Dr Joe Dispenza’s new film is free-to-watch during the weekend of 21-23 June. We’ll be watching, here’s the link so you can too.

More from Dr Dispenza on our Healthy Mind resource.

The Power of the Mind.

Who knew? Passion flower can help to reduce anxiety. It’s commonly suggested by pharmacies in France and proved to be highly effective for our friend Steve. Here’s an article from Healthline listing it’s benefits. So glad you got to enjoy the rest of your hols!

The Power of Plants.

He has a point…

Looking at Reece’s website there’s a distinct lack of any t-shirts at all!

The Power of Health.

Xylitol may be linked to nearly doubling the risk of heart attacks, stroke and death in people who consume the highest levels of this popular low-calorie sweetener a new study has found. Worryingly it doesn’t legally have to be listed as an ingredient on the food’s labelling. So how do you even know? (Time for more food labelling transparency we think…)

Is it in the low-calorie foods you’re consuming? Your toothpaste? Your chewing gum? Worth checking (if you can!) – and maybe choosing another option?

The Power of Knowledge.

‘According to research from Harvard Medical School, having flowers in your home has a positive impact on not only your mood, but on your overall well-being by decreasing anxiety and worry’ said Mel Robbins on Instagram this week.

Here’s some from our garden, a sustainable gift for our daughter’s friend’s birthday. Scented too…

The Power of Nature.

Professor Tim Spector’s work is all over our free nutrition resource. A bargain this month on Kindle:

UK link/ FR link

It clearly shows:

The Power of Nutrition.

We’re up to 10M so far in this summer’s Euros: 2 games, 2 goals. Subtle messaging here from The Times newspaper. Do we have to have pints to enjoy a football game?

Many on our Disorders and Addictions resource would suggest not.

The Power of Messaging.

Personal testimonies are incredibly powerful. Here’s my breast cancer healing story from an article I submitted to Chris Woollam’s CancerActive, who you’ll find on our cancer resource.

I knew of no-one who had healed from breast cancer when I was diagnosed in 2017. I desperately needed hope. There are now 1000’s of hopeful stories on our testimonials section to encourage you.

5 years since I wrote this article… Everything and nothing has changed.

The Power of Hope.

A powerful graphic from The Appleseed Project (who are featured on our cancer resource), which applies to all aspects of our health.

The Power of Balance.

We need your support. We’re all muddling our way through, trying to do the best for ourselves, our families, our planet.

We’ll keep sharing, as long as we have that financial support to do so.

The Power of Community.

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By doublezero100

Denise Stevenson founded the health and wellness charity Double-zero.org in 2021 after healing from stage 3 breast cancer at (5-zero) and realising there was no one source to access the wealth of resources that had guided her back to health without the mastectomy her oncologist said was a certainty. Denise is a church founder and president, author and local councillor. She's English-born and has French nationality after living there with her husband and 3 girls for the past 20 years.

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