Smoke And Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors 17 January 2022|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability Mr Brooklyn Beckham – confirmed.  A vegan – Er no.   The shoes may be, the man, definitely not.  The shoes are part of a new vegan footwear range from Superdry.  The man had shared a video 4 days earlier for his cooking series…… Continue reading Smoke And Mirrors


From Me To We

11 January 2022|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability I’ve uttered the words ‘Rise Above’ many times in the past two years as judgement, disagreement, conflict, discord, disunity have abounded.  What if we could put aside our differences and Rise Up? If it doesn’t benefit everybody then is it really success?  What is your purpose?  What is…… Continue reading From Me To We


The Right Kind Of Trees

3 January 2022|Health, Research papers, Sustainability, Testimonials Mr Sheeran has a plan:  ‘To offset his carbon emissions by buying “as much land as possible” and planting “as many trees as possible” he said during a BBC Radio London interview this week. “I love my county and I love wildlife and the environment,” said Sheeran, who…… Continue reading The Right Kind Of Trees


High 5 To Me!

28 December 2021|Health, Nutrition, Sustainability Do it to yourself – every morning – in the bathroom mirror: ‘It is impossible to have a negative thought because for our entire lifetime, you have had a positive association with giving someone else a high five.’  This gem of a broadcast is episode #432 of The Ultimate Health…… Continue reading High 5 To Me!


Serenity In The Storm

20 December 2021|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability, Testimonials Like many, I was feeling frustrated by border closures and restrictions this morning, then I saw these photographs… Talk about a reality check: A hand-written message to a friend’s brother saying he and his family are safe.  They are on the Philippine island of Siargao, 95% of which…… Continue reading Serenity In The Storm


Bad Genes

13 December 2021|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability ‘Turn off those ‘bad genes’.’ Here’s an Amazon customer’s review of Dr Gottfried’s book, which was added to our resource this week at the suggestion of a friend.  (Keep them coming Helen!). ‘The idea being not to live longer as such, but age while keeping up a better quality of…… Continue reading Bad Genes


Good Foods For Good Moods

5 December 2021|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability Also known as Nutritional Psychiatry, (but I thought I’d use a softer definition as the title of this week’s Something New – in order to not frighten you all off from even opening it!)  Dr Naidoo joined our site this week.  She’s featured here as a guest on…… Continue reading Good Foods For Good Moods


Turn Down The Dial

30 November 2021|Health, Recipes, Sustainability Seems like wise advice from Donna Ashworth, a beautiful wordsmith that I’ve been following for a few years.   The mind/body connection is huge and I’m reading more about just that from Dr Leaf, who joined our site this week.   Dr Leaf has helped many learn to use their mind to detox…… Continue reading Turn Down The Dial


Grief During The Holidays

22 November 2021|Health, Nutrition, Sustainability, Testimonials 3 Tools for Your Toolbox This Holiday Season by Katie Rössler, LPC. ‘The holidays are here, and for many of us it’s not the happiest time of year. Sure, the food is yummy, it can be nice to see people we don’t get to see as often, and it’s flattering to…… Continue reading Grief During The Holidays


Fast Fashion = Huge Problem!

15 November 2021|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability 200 years for synthetic fabrics (of which many fast fashion items are composed) to begin to decompose. 7500 litres of water to make one pair of jeans. What a nightmare.  I checked out the CEO being interviewed and found some hope looking at her company’s site.  Their stated mission…… Continue reading Fast Fashion = Huge Problem!
