Meet Grace Price

That’s Grace, on the right. Grace describes herself as a ‘teen on a mission.’ And what a mission she has become part of…

Here she is in the Senate at the White House, New York earlier in the week with Dr Casey Means and nutritionist Jillian Michaels.

The Atlantic magazine chose to call the 4 hour non-political event on chronic disease ‘The Woo-Woo Caucus’. Interesting article title given it was hosted by Senator Ron Johnson and featured doctors from Stanford, Harvard and John Hopkins. A more apt title could have been Calley Mean’s description of the event: ‘A science-backed discussion of why kids are getting so sick.’

A pledge was made by environmental lawyer and health activist Robert F Kennedy: ‘We are going to find out why America has the sickest children on the planet.’ Please do. Then help Make America Healthy Again. Would anyone really not want that to happen?

Registration opened this week for the Appleseed Project annual conference in Florida, February 2025. The Project was started by a lady with breast cancer who had a vision to help others. Ann E Fonfa touched hundreds of thousands of lives with her work, a role model for us here at Double-zero. Here’s Denise’s story of how she was invited to speak at the 2025 conference, as shared on a Facebook forum earlier in the week:

‘I started a non-profit, registered here in 🇫🇷 after healing from breast cancer. I share helpful resources/links/healing testimonies. A lady who ran a similar charity in the States 🇺🇸 got in touch and asked me if I’d meet her whilst she was at another conference in London in September 2023. I got on a plane and met this lady for an Indian meal in central London and she gave me a scholarship to attend her charity’s conference in America in February 2024. I did. She died 3 weeks before the conference, which became a beautiful legacy to her life. She had lived with stage 4 cancer for many, many years. This week 2025’s conference was launched. I’m a speaker. Nothing is impossible. Take those opportunities, however ridiculous they may feel. We don’t know the impact we have on people’s lives. Just Do It! Double-zero’

smiling patient lying on the bed

‘The trendy diet that researchers suspect could fuel bowel cancers… as cases surge in under 50s’ was the headline in the Mail Online (UK Newspaper) earlier this week. They’re talking about plant-based diets…

As Dr Alan Desmond (who is certified in gastroenterology and general internal medicine) says: A 6 week study on genetically modified laboratory mice has zero to do with bowel cancer in humans. He states that this story gives you advice that will likely increase your risk.

One thing that is sadly accurate is the surge in cases in under 50’s.

This plant-based beauty was lunch yesterday and will not increase your cancer, or any other chronic illness risk: Roasted Butternut Squash with Lentils, Cherry Tomatoes & Herbed Yogurt, from Laura at The First Mess. We’ve featured Laura’s work on our free recipe resource since Day One. Thank you Lesley for your home-grown butternut!

Your birthday donations helped pay our September bills: Microsoft email account, registration at this event next month and some of the costs associated with attending the Yes to Life charity’s annual conference in London this weekend. (We’ll report back on that next blog.) Thank you! Our next major outlay is associated with the Appleseed event early next year. Any support is greatly appreciated and helps keep our work independent and free to all.

Found this stash from Deliciously Ella’s Plants range in a local discount store in France. 99c for the artichoke sauce, normally an awful lot more. That was today’s lunch taken care of: Half a pot of creamy artichoke sauce, tagliatelle, pomegranate and black pepper. 5 mins, busy day lunch. Just wish the second ingredient wasn’t a seed oil: Artichokes (58%), Sunflower Seed Oil (32.2%), Lemon Juice (0.18%), Salt. And back we go to our last blog’s debate…

First and last word today from this ‘Teen on a Mission’ Grace Price. ‘Cancer – A Food-Borne Illness’ is Grace’s documentary. You can watch it in full from 29:30. You can find the film ‘Fed Up’ that ignited Grace’s interest is on our Film resource.

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By doublezero100

Denise Stevenson founded the health and wellness charity in 2021 after healing from stage 3 breast cancer at (5-zero) and realising there was no one source to access the wealth of resources that had guided her back to health without the mastectomy her oncologist said was a certainty. Denise is a church founder and president, author and local councillor. She's English-born and has French nationality after living there with her husband and 3 girls for the past 20 years.

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