Thinking that what we can do is insignificant is perfectly understandable, given the enormity of the task ahead, but, knowledge is power and together we’re that bit less insignificant
Where to start?
Dr Zach Bush

A beautiful site. The messages are stark, unwavering in their intensity and dire in their warning. Dr Bush focuses on health – of humans and our planet. The sooner we wake up to the fact that they are intertwined, the better for us all.

Consumer guides to help us make better decisions, sharing about the health dangers in our food, water and everyday products. Their annual ‘Dirty Dozen’ and ‘Clean Fifteen’ guides show which produce is the most polluted.
What’s new?
Alliance for Natural Health

The largest organisation working to promote and protect natural approaches to regenerating health. US site. European site.
The Minimalists

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. Alongside their podcast cohost, T.K. Coleman, help millions of people eliminate clutter and live meaningfully with less.
My Chemical Free House

Corinne Segura has mould and chemical sensitivities and has created a website sharing much of her and her team of experts’ research.
Alliance for Natural Health

The largest organisation working to promote and protect natural approaches to regenerating health – ours and our beautiful planet’s. US site. European site.
BBC Earth

#SustainableMe is part of BBC Earth’s pledge: Consider every purchase. Avoid fast fashion. Buy quality and consume less. Recycle and repurpose clothes. Repair clothing and footwear.
Becoming Minimalist

Designed to inspire others to pursue their passions by owning fewer possessions. Founder Josh Becker encourages each reader to discover the far-reaching benefits that come from owning less.
Blue Zones

‘We help create more liveable, walkable, bike-able, and vibrant communities where people live longer and better with a higher quality of life.’
Dr Zach Bush

Zach’s efforts are providing a path for consumers, farmers, and mega-industries to work together for a healthy future for people and planet.
Rachel Carson

Carson asked questions about whether and why humans had the right to control nature; to decide who lives or dies, to poison or to destroy non-human life. Rachel Carson became a social revolutionary.
Earthling Ed

A vegan educator, best-selling author, public speaker and content creator. His speech “You Will Never Look at Your Life in the Same Way Again” has over 5.2M views.
Earthshot Prize

‘The Earth is at a tipping point and we face a stark choice: either we continue as we are and irreparably damage our planet, or we remember our unique power as human beings and our continual ability to lead, innovate and problem-solve.’ Prince William.
Eating 2 Extinction

Biodiversity loss, water and food security, global warming from methane, climate change, deforestation, desertification , overfishing, ocean warming and acidification, pollution. Problems and solutions – it’s time.

EcoWatch is a leading online environmental news company, publishing stories every day for a healthier planet and life.

EWG educates and empowers people to live healthier and more sustainably through research and education, helping you to make more informed decisions about the products you buy and the companies you support by doing so.
Farm Sanctuary

Fighting the disastrous effects of animal agriculture on animals, the environment, social justice, and public health through rescue, education, and advocacy.
Friends of the Earth Int

World’s largest grassroots environmental network, they campaign on today’s most urgent environmental and social issues.
Shira Gill

‘Streamline your space. Simplify your life.’ That’s the mantra. Shira’s all about minimalism and sustainability. Great blog here.
Jane Goodall

Conservation Science, Advocacy, Protecting Chimpanzees, Public Awareness and Environmental Information, Healthy Habitats, Roots and Shoots, Gender Health and Conservation, Sustainable Livelihoods and Research. 9 conservation strategies.

‘From volunteering, charity work, micro-funding and creativity to green tech, water conservation, collaborative consumption and mindful living. A network that empowers users to take positive action anytime, anywhere and in the field of interest closest to their hearts.’
Green Queen

An impact media platform advocating for social & environmental change based in Hong Kong.
Healthy Home Economist

‘Green Living‘ is a section on this fab site. Sarah’s ‘Natural Remedies‘ section for beauty ‘hacks’ too.
Live Love Fruit

Clean Energy – Gardening – Pesticides – Plastic Pollution – Sustainable Living – Wildlife.
Lost Remedies

Nicole shares her knowledge of nature connection, wild plants, indigenous knowledge, natural wellness and survival skills.
Ellen Macarthur Foundation

Eliminate waste and pollution. Circulate products and materials. Regenerate nature. Ellen’s steps for a ‘circular economy’.
Medical News Today

‘Caring for ourselves and our planet with evidence-backed information and resources.’
Mind Body Green

A 360-degree approach to wellness that weaves the mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental aspects of well-being together.
My Chemical Free House

Corinne Segura creates safer living spaces. She has mould and chemical sensitivities and has created a website sharing much of her and her team of experts’ research.
The Minimalists

The Minimalists, ‘show their followers how to streamline their lives to find more happiness’ (Good Morning America).
One Green Planet

An online guide to making conscious and compassionate choices that help people, animals and the planet.

Organising cleanups around the world. Collecting thousands of KGs of trash from our planet with the help of hundreds of volunteers.
Plant Based News

With millions of readers and viewers, PBN delivers exclusive stories and content every day, many on environmental and sustainability issues.
A Sustainable Life

‘Steps that we can all take, without having to shun the shops, and live off grid in a yurt in the woods (not that there is anything wrong with living off grid in a yurt in the woods if that is what floats your boat).’
Take The Jump

If you are looking for constructive, positive and impactful steps you can take in your own life you could commit to ‘Taking the Jump.’

With 2.6 million monthly users, Treehugger is one of the world’s largest information sites dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream.
Whole Home

‘Budget-friendly food tips, ethical fashion, and building a whole home that loves people, planet, and personal health. Step by step, with no judgement along the way!’