Heart Disease

This is a major issue in our world, case numbers increasing too.  Yet, many physicians below claim they can arrest and even reverse heart disease.  

Below are inspiring testimonies of reduced cholesterol levels, lowered hypertension and reversal of heart disease; results of diet and lifestyle changes.  

Peer-reviewed medical research papers back up their claims too

Dr Esseltyn

The Revolutionary, scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure.

Dr Fuhrman

Compelling and irrefutable scientific evidence documenting how the right diet can be 100 times more effective at preventing heart disease and strokes, and reveals the documented dangers of using drugs instead.

Patrick Holford

Updated with the latest scientific findings, this practical book has all the information you need on diet, supplements, exercise and stress reduction to enable you to devise a healing strategy.

Dr Aseem Malhotra

‘The real root causes of heart disease, saturated fat misinformation, a better understanding of cholesterol and why lowering it may be a very bad idea, the statin scam, what to do about side effects, familial hyperlipidaemia, heart stents, coronary calcium scores, and a better way to prevent and potentially reverse heart disease through specific lifestyle changes.’

Dr Philip Ovadia

‘Dr. Ovadia shares the complete metabolic health system to prevent disease and optimise your health.’ Solid guidelines here – whatever your specific dietary choices.