Books about vitamins, essential oils, diet and lifestyle and how they affect our bodies and our longevity: Lifestyle Medicine
Where to start?
Prof Robert Thomas

Full of empowering, no nonsense advice, which I got to read when I needed it most. Fascinating.
Dr Andrew Weil

A step-by-step plan. I used it to help drag my body’s natural healing system back to peak working order after chemotherapy.
What’s new?
Dr Rangan Chatterjee

‘The first daily 5 min plan that is easy to maintain and follow and requires only the smallest amount of willpower.’
Wim Hof

Learn how to harness 3 key elements: cold, breathing and mindset, to take ownership over your own mind and well-being.
Dr Casey Means

This NYT bestseller is: ‘A unifying framework for understanding what is causing symptoms and diseases, and how to feel amazing now and in the future.’
Dr Josh Axe

Traditional practitioners identified the root cause of each patient’s illness, then treated it with medicinal herbs, mushrooms, CBD, essential oils and restorative mind-body practices. Discover how you can use these ancient treatments to cope with: ADHD to diabetes, hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease etc.
Dan Buettner

A NYT bestseller. Buettner has travelled the globe to uncover the best strategies for longevity found in the Blue Zones; places in the world where people enjoy remarkably long, full lives.
Julia Bradbury

‘The elemental link between our own health – both physical and mental – and the natural world.’ Julia practices what she preaches – she’s a massive advocate for a healthy lifestyle.
Dr Monisha Bhanote

Are you overwhelmed by all the health information and don’t know where to start? Do you want to live a more intentional life, and you’re ready to listen to your body? Do you strive to integrate mind, body, and spirit practices into a lifestyle that optimises your body’s cellular functions?
Dr Rangan Chatterjee

Struggled to prioritise your health? It’s not your fault – behavioural science shows that most plans aren’t built to last. ‘The first daily 5 min plan that is easy to maintain and follow and requires only the smallest amount of willpower.’
Wim Hof

Learn how to harness 3 key elements: cold, breathing and mindset, to take ownership over your own mind and well-being.
Dr Sara Gottfied

Change the way you age, stay younger longer, and remain healthy and vibrant for all of your days. Dr Gottfried shows us 5 factors that lead to accelerated ageing: the muscle factor, the brain factor, the hormone factor, the gut factor, and the toxic fat factor.
Patrick Holford

Practical information about how you can use diet, supplements, exercise and weight control to prevent and manage some of the conditions that become more common as we age.
Sayer Ji

The new science of food as information. The truth about cancer and heart disease and what real prevention looks like. How to reverse the most common forms of degeneration using food-based approaches. How the body extracts energy from sources other than food. How to make sense of dietary recommendations and out-of-date food philosophies.
Prof Valter Longo

Prof Longo discovered that specific diets can activate stem cells and promote regeneration and rejuvenation in multiple organs to reduce the risk for diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and heart disease.
Dr Casey Means

NYT bestseller: ‘What if depression, anxiety, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s dementia, cancer and many other health conditions that torture and shorten our lives actually have the same root cause? The truth is, they do.’ Powerful read.
Dr Frank Lipman

A programme to reverse the symptoms we call ‘normal aging’. Improving not only our life span but our health span. Built on a series of lifestyle changes that energise the body and strengthen its immune system, this book is based on ancient wisdom backed up by science.
Gerilynn R Moline

A ‘non-geeky’ explanation for how our environment and diet are creating the perfect storm for the health crisis we’re experiencing today. Full of practical changes we can make to halt and even reverse the downward spiral of health. The result can be You 2.0.
James Nestor

Breath explores the million-year-long history of how we’ve lost the ability to breathe properly and why we’re suffering: snoring, sleep apnea, asthma, autoimmune disease, allergies—because of it. James attempts to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.
Clinton Ober

Learn how earthing has the potential to help promote health and healing. For years, thousands of people have used this simple method to help alleviate their aches and pains, inflammation, sleep disorders and free radical damage.
Dr Dean Ornish

Book is based on 40 years of research published in the leading peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals. Medicare and many American insurance companies are now covering this program for reversing chronic disease.
David A Sinclair

Updates on the field of aging, insights on recently published studies, and opinions about how we can—and should—move forward in a world where people could be “100 years young.” This is where Double-zero got it’s name!
Dr Ayan Panja

With the rising tide of non-communicable disease Dr Ayan blends in the science and evidence into case studies which demonstrate how the patient story lays everything out. Fascinating.
Dr Andrew Saul

Citing scientific evidence and case studies, Dr. Saul explodes the myth that medical specialists and pharmaceutical drugs are necessary to maintain health. ‘Using the guidelines you can not only prevent disease, but cure yourself of illnesses already in progress without resorting to drugs and surgery’ he says.
Dr Saray Stancic

Dr. Stancic is highly critical of the medical community’s lack of success in treating chronic illness. This book is a prescription for a better life for each of us, as well as a call for the medical establishment to make these lifestyle changes an integral part of medicine.
Professor Robert Thomas

Prof Thomas is an oncologist and expert in integrating nutritional and lifestyle strategies. He gives us scientifically proven advice from diet and exercise to sleep and skincare. Demystifying cancer and other chronic diseases, he shows what we can do to mitigate damage, and how changes to our diet can prevent our biggest killers.
Dr Andrew Weil

#1 NYT bestselling book which lays out Dr. Weil’s famous week-by-week, step-by-step plan that will keep your body’s natural healing system in peak working order. It covers diet, exercise, lifestyle, stress, and environment.
Barbara Wren

Cutting edge science and ancient wisdom; Barbara shows that whatever illness, you have the potential to heal yourself. One of our Contributors studied with Barbara for 3 years; ‘She is the only person I’ve known that can make connections in the body that no-one else would even think of. Only person that could help my daughter’.