I watch friends with T1 and T2 diabetes live their lives and I long for the healing for them that is described in many of these resources below. I came across Eric Adams‘s healing story whilst studying Nutrition Studies’ website, now he’s the healed Mayor of NYC…
Dr Josh Axe

Articles cover T1, T2 and other types of diabetes, along with the respective symptoms, risk factors, causes, diagnosis, plus conventional and natural treatments (including a diet plan).
Diabetes Co UK

A community website focusing on providing a comprehensive, supportive and independent experience. Europe’s largest community of people with diabetes.
American Diabetes Assoc

Over 565k volunteers, their families and caregivers, a professional society of nearly 20k health care professionals and over 250 staff. Advice on risk, healthy living, community, advocacy, research, resources and a risk test.
Diabetes Org UK

With a tagline of ‘here for everyone affected by diabetes’ and 23k+ people sharing their advice and experiences on their online forum this is a really informative site.
Dr Fuhrman

‘A Nutritarian diet is key to preventing, improving, and reversing T2 diabetes and is critical for the health and survival of T1 diabetics.’
Green Med Info

Articles, research abstracts and substance information. Search your diabetes type at the top of the page for specific information.
Heart MD

Articles that explore the nature of diabetes and guidance on prevention and alleviating it.

The International Diabetes Federation is an umbrella organisation of over 230 national diabetes associations in 170 countries and territories. It represents the interests of the growing number of people with diabetes and those at risk.
Patrick Holford

‘The vast majority of cases type-2 diabetes are preventable and can also be reversible, with the right nutritional strategies.’
Prof Victor Longo

‘Adopting the Longevity Diet can help prevent and has the potential to reverse diabetes in some patients.’
Dr Gemma Newman

Articles, references and a video of Dr Newman speaking on diabetes. Hover over ‘Learn More’.
Type 2 Diabetes

Empowering patients and caregivers to take control by providing a platform to learn, educate, and connect with peers and healthcare professionals.
Dr Perlmutter

‘Scientific research validates the notion that type-2 diabetes can be dramatically improved by dietary (like the ketogenic diet) and other lifestyle interventions.’