10 August 2023|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability 70 years old and running 5K every other day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdJDQ_-txxo Eloquent, humble, smart and looking so, so good; this is Dr Neal Barnard, founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a near 40 year vegan and a great advertisement for a whole food plant based healthy lifestyle! Great interview…… Continue reading Septuagenarian Vibes
But Where Do You Get Your Protein?
3 August 2023|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability, Testimonials If we’ve been asked this once… We’ve been asked it a thousand times. Yes, there are differences between animal and plant protein, but, what is it that cows, pigs and chickens eat? Oh yes, plants. Vegans just ‘cut out the middle man’ and many not only survive, but…… Continue reading But Where Do You Get Your Protein?
Cold-play = Green-result
27 July 2023|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability, Testimonials The hunt for tickets was on Thoughts of the environmental impact were far behind. Then we saw this: Coldplay’s website details their co2 emissions, power usage, travel costs, stage show sourcing, an app for fans to see how to travel most efficiently, water usage, minimise waste, a sustainable crew…… Continue reading Cold-play = Green-result
Health Isn’t A Diet
16 July 2023|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability Gut health and our microbiome – why food matters Rich Roll and gastroenterologist Dr Alan Desmond talk about our gut health and microbiome in this information packed podcast – and why food matters to them both. With the American Cancer Society stating that one in 15/20 people are developing colorectal cancer and that…… Continue reading Health Isn’t A Diet
Summertime And The Livin’ Is Easy
5 July 2023|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability Fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high Classic Louis Armstrong, classic summer dish; Gazpacho. This one’s by Amelia Freer, nutritionist, whose recipes feature on our site. First, but not last attempt. Delicious and healthy too: 1 red pepper, 1/2 stick of celery, 1/4 cucumber, 500g ripe tomatoes, 1…… Continue reading Summertime And The Livin’ Is Easy
Olé – Cactus Saves The Day!
Olé – Cactus Saves the Day! 22 June 2023|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability What do Givenchy, Mercedes Benz, Adidas and H&M have in common? They’ve all collaborated with these two…. Who knew? https://www.youtube.com/embed/x4sGOYbHoXo Leather comes from cows (we know this), cows have a huge environmental impact (widely acknowledged), here’s one of many new, environmentally sound alternatives.…… Continue reading Olé – Cactus Saves The Day!
De-prescription Begins
De-prescription Begins 14 June 2023|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability Too Many People Take Too Many Pills Is a recent article’s headline in The Economist: ‘Doctors, nurses and pharmacists are setting up de-prescribing networks to try to spread the word’. ‘Evidence supporting de-prescription is starting to build’ it says. Here’s an old (2014), but equally damning article…… Continue reading De-prescription Begins
LTN’s = Greenwashing?
LTN’s = Greenwashing? 31 May 2023|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability, Testimonials Low Traffic Neighbourhoods ‘The Department for Transport said it could give no evidence that low-traffic neighbourhoods reduced the number of miles driven’ says an article in the UK’s Times newspaper last week. ‘An official responsible for the schemes, known as LTNs, which ministers present as…… Continue reading LTN’s = Greenwashing?
Sleep. Exercise. Diet.
Sleep. Exercise. Diet. 22 May 2023|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability ‘Stop treating your health as a side hustle’ Sleep, exercise and diet are what Simon considers the cornerstone habits of good health. And he found that it was only AFTER focusing on these three areas that he could begin to transform his own life. Thinking our site could…… Continue reading Sleep. Exercise. Diet.
Still Hungry? Or Just Enjoying Eating?
Still Hungry, Or Just Enjoying Eating? 11 May 2023|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainability Michael Pollan, he of those 7 famous words: ‘Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants’ joins the crusade against UPF’s (Ultra processed foods) in this fascinating interview with Lewis Howes (The School of Greatness). During the interview Michael poses a question we…… Continue reading Still Hungry? Or Just Enjoying Eating?