Hair Today, Gone…. Forever 26 April 2021|Health, Recipes, Sustainability, Testimonials I can’t imagine what it’s like to live with permanent hair loss. I lived with it temporarily, following the same drug cocktail these ladies were administered in the treatment of breast cancer. Yes, these are photographs of ladies, disfigured, permanently. Shirley knows what it’s like, all…… Continue reading Hair Today, Gone…Forever
Toxic Bags
Toxic Bags 20 April 2021|Health, Nutrition, Sustainability, Testimonials The other side of breast implants, by Ellie Young: ‘This is a very personal post that is quite hard to write but I really want to share my story in the hope of helping others and to raise awareness. In 2012 I had breast augmentation. Before the…… Continue reading Toxic Bags
A Very Big C
A Very ‘Big C’ 13 April 2021|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Research papers From our contributor Robert Olifent: Cancer does not have to be a death sentence. There are many ways to support a person with cancer on their road to recovery, but much of this is never spoken about in the pharmaceutical-run medical system. Surely dealing with the…… Continue reading A Very Big C
Now For Some Good News
Now For Some Good News 6 April 2021|Health, Nutrition, Sustainability, Testimonials We began on Easter Sunday and continue with this, from Irena, one of our contributors: Vicky contacted me a couple of years ago regarding a debilitating needle phobia she had suffered from since early childhood. Her goal: “not to let this phobia rule my life!” However, the…… Continue reading Now For Some Good News
Oooh La La…
Oooh La La… 1 April 2021|Recipes, Research papers, Sustainability April Fool? I wish… This was the result of me happily singing along to George Michael and Queen Live in the sunshine last weekend. Oops. Grateful to good friends and a knight in shining armour (with a whacking great 4×4 and a tow bar). No harm…… Continue reading Oooh La La…
Three Fingers
Three Fingers 23 March 2021|Health, Recipes, Sustainability One finger for each year free of cancer. This was me today in front of Oncopole, Toulouse’s cancer hospital. This is the ‘why’ of Double-Zero: I had no idea that I was unhealthy, a ‘type C’ person as Laura Bond calls us in her wonderful book Mum’s not having…… Continue reading Three Fingers
Learning Never Ends
Learning Never Ends 15 March 2021|Health, Recipes, Sustainability, Testimonials We’re signed up to this free event! Keen to learn which foods to eat and which to avoid to fight inflammation and disease? Effective strategies to manage stress, overwhelm & anxiety? How vitamins C & D can be used to boost your immunity? Why your…… Continue reading Learning Never Ends
What’s a Fedge?
What’s a ‘Fedge’? 9 March 2021|Health, Recipes, Sustainability And why should we have one? Welcome to the world of conscious gardening. We all know gardening’s great for sustainability… Isn’t it? Jen Gale’s podcast was added to our site this week and is truly ‘food for thought’. Sustainability, she believes, is all about doing what you can, one…… Continue reading What’s a Fedge?
Step Back
Step Back 3 March 2021|Health, Recipes Fight, flight, or freeze. Like most of the planet I’ve felt all of these emotions in the past year! Irena suggests that there is another option: We can step back. In this short video she’ll show us how. She shares with us a simple technique to distract our brain when…… Continue reading Step Back
Lifelines 22 February 2021|Health What are yours? Is your faith your anchor? Your family? Friends? Pets? Habits? What is keeping you afloat? This is from Donna Ashworth: (Ladies Pass It On). You’re not imagining it, nobody seems to want to talk right now.Messages are brief and replies late.Talk of catch ups on zoom are perpetually…… Continue reading Lifelines